At Pearl Market our success is built on our commitment to our team.

We strive to foster an inclusive environment that supports the health and well-being of all our employees. Our dedication to quality food, wine, and hospitality is matched by our desire to inspire and connect with our community.
We understand that affordable healthcare is a major challenge in the hospitality industry. To address this, Pearl Market charges a 1.8% fee that contributes to our employee healthcare costs. This approach allows us to offer significantly discounted or free healthcare to all employees who work 25 hours or more per week.
Our goal is to make the hospitality industry a sustainable and rewarding career path for our staff. By implementing this fee, we aim to manage the rising costs of healthcare while building a sustainable business that benefits both our employees and the community.
We will continuously evaluate the program’s effectiveness and participation. We appreciate your support and understanding as we work to provide valuable benefits to our team. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Supporting Denver Public Schools: Our Commitment

At The Pearl Collective, we are deeply committed to giving back to our community. Since the launch of Pearl Wine Company in 2015, our charitable efforts have been dedicated to supporting the schools in our local neighborhoods. We believe in the power of education and are excited to announce upcoming initiatives that will allow us to work directly with Denver Public Schools in Central Park. Stay tuned for more details on how we plan to make a meaningful impact together.